Water-Related News

Winter Haven resiliency efforts to be featured at May 3rd Resilient Florida Forum

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Quarterly Resilience Form allows attendees from all over the state to discuss initiatives, provide project updates, introduce new resources and engage with each other to ask for advice and recommendations. Audience members include consultants as well as staff from city, county, state and federal government entities, universities and nongovernmental organizations.

The next meeting of the Forum will be on Wednesday, May 3rd at 9 a.m.

Keelie Carlton from the City of Winter Haven will present on "Building Resiliency into Quality of Life: Winter Haven's Sapphire Necklace".

Other presentations/agenda items:

  • Planning for Progress: Developing Regional Resilience Portfolios - JaLeesa Tate, CFM, Tetra Tech Disaster Recovery
  • High Resolution Land Cover - Nate Harold, NOAA Office for Coastal Management
  • Resilient Florida Program updates
  • Forum member announcements and updates

Remaining 2023 Resiliency Forum dates:

  • August 2, 2023, 9:00 a.m. EST
  • November 1, 2023, 9:00 a.m. EST

To sign up for the May forum, which is open to the public and can be attended virtually via Microsoft Teams, email Resilience@FloridaDEP.gov and request the link.