Water-Related News

SWFWMD seeking peer review panelists for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek


The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is soliciting stakeholder input on the selection of panelists for an independent scientific peer review of proposed minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek, two tributaries to the Peace River. District staff are preparing draft minimum flow reports for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek. Additional information is available on the District's webpage.

The District plans to voluntarily subject all scientific and technical data, methodologies, models and assumptions used to support development of minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek to independent scientific peer review. The review will be conducted by a panel of three independent, recognized experts in fields relevant to the development of minimum flows.

Please submit all suggestions for potential peer review panelists directly to Kristina Deak, senior environmental scientist with the District’s Natural Systems & Restoration Bureau via email at Kristina.Deak@WaterMatters.org, no later than Feb. 24, 2023. The qualifications and contact information of the suggested peer review panelists must be provided in all submittals. Please include the name, email address, and telephone number of the person, persons, or organization submitting the suggested panelists, and on whose behalf the suggestions are submitted.