Water-Related News

Swan story: 65th anniversary of Royal Swans arriving on Lake Morton

LAKELAND – As Queen Elizabeth II gets ready to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in serving the throne of England for seven decades, the City’s swans will be celebrating their Blue Sapphire Jubilee.

February 8th will mark the 65th Anniversary of Lakeland’s royal swans arriving on Lake Morton. On this day in 1957, the two swans gifted by Queen Elizabeth II arrived on Lake Morton in downtown Lakeland. Since that time, Lakeland’s swans have become iconic figures in the community. It is almost a rite of passage for families to visit Lake Morton to feed our beloved swans.

Swans can be found in freshwater lakes, ponds, and estuaries primarily in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Their early migration to Florida came from seasonal residents wanting to have swans as pets on or near their winter homes.

By 1926, Lakeland had a swan population of 20 and the City established a Swan Department to help oversee their care.