Water-Related News

Blue-Green Algae Task Force to meet on August 23rd

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is hosting a meeting of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force on Monday, Aug. 23, 2021. Members of the public are invited to participate online.

The Blue-Green Algae Task Force is charged with identifying solutions to reduce the adverse impacts of blue-green algae. During this meeting, the task force will hear updates regarding the purpose, progress and discussions of the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee, which was convened at the direction of the Clean Waterways Act to inform the legislation’s required updates to the state’s stormwater rules.

In October 2019, following extensive transparent discussion, deliberations and meetings with stakeholders, the task force sent specific, science-based recommendations to Governor DeSantis with the goal of expediting improvements and restoration of Florida’s waterbodies that have been adversely affected by blue-green algae blooms.

These recommendations informed the provisions of the Clean Waterways Act. This historic legislation, unanimously passed by the Legislature in the 2020 session and signed into law shortly after by Governor DeSantis, contains a wide range of water quality protection provisions aimed at minimizing the impacts of nutrient pollution that can cause harmful algal blooms. The task force will continue to provide guidance as DEP moves forward with implementation of this important legislation, including ongoing rulemaking.

  • WHAT: Blue-Green Algae Task Force Meeting
  • WHEN: Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, 8:30 a.m. Eastern time
  • WHERE: Virtual Meeting on GoTo Webinar

Registration for the meeting is currently open: Registration Link and Meeting Agenda.

Public comment will be accepted both during and at the end of the meeting and can also be submitted via email to BlueGreenAlgaeTaskForce@FloridaDEP.gov.