Water-Related News

Project EAGLE annual lakes cleanup is April 28th

This annual chain of lakes clean-up has become a long-standing tradition over the years. The staging area is at Lake Shipp Park beginning at 8:00 am for registration, tee shirt and supplies. Choose a lake of your choice, clean up, then join other volunteers for lunch back at Lake Shipp Park starting at noon. Family-friendly activities will begin at 10:00 a.m. such as environmental and educational showings, face painting, rock painting/hiding, bounce house, music, and more!

Project E.A.G.L.E. will provide gloves and bags if you need them. Volunteers can either walk the shore or bring a watercraft of choice from which to work. Watercraft volunteers should bring gloves and a net or pike pole to collect trash.

Project E.A.G.L.E volunteers are dedicated to removing litter from the lakes and shorelines, committed to the well-being of the lakes and "just having fun getting their hands dirty for a good cause".