Lakeland Water Utilities will repair wastewater main: Lakeland Highlands Road will be impacted
The City of Lakeland Wastewater Collection Division (Water Utilities Department) will need to perform a repair on a force main located along the east side of Lakeland Highlands Road south of Clubhouse Road. The work is scheduled to begin at 7 AM on Monday, February 19th and continue through the end of the day on Friday, February 23rd.
This work will require the outside northbound lane to be closed for the duration of the project. The inside northbound lane will remain open. Work activity will primarily take place during day light hours but the lane closure will be 24-hours per day during the construction timeframe. The lane closure will begin north of Peterson Road and end south of Clubhouse Road. Road closures will be clearly marked. The southbound lanes will not be affected. The construction project will impact traffic flow.
Motorists are advised to plan accordingly and please be patient during the construction project. Even though this is a City of Lakeland project, it will be taking place in unincorporated Polk County.