Water-Related News

Water-conservation expert to discuss growth challenges

As Florida's population grows each day, educating consumers about water conservation is paramount to sustain and preserve the valuable resource.

To share more about the crucial topic, water-conservation expert Clay Henderson will speak on the topic "Water Challenges" at 6 p.m. Friday at the Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 E. County Road 44.

Henderson, executive director of the Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience at Stetson University in DeLand, previously served as senior counsel at Holland & Knight law firm practicing in the environmental and land-use law field. As guest of the center's Friday Night Naturalist Program, he will review environmental progress in Florida and discuss some of the most pressing conservation issues facing the state.

"With the growth spurt of more than 1,000 people moving to the state each day, we will talk about the challenges this causes statewide that affect the springs, rivers and aquifers," Henderson said. "We have had algae growth like never before."