Lake Hollingsworth seawall construction to start Sept. 12th
LAKELAND – The City of Lakeland will be starting a shoreline stabilization and restoration project with construction beginning September 12th on the south side of Lake Hollingsworth in the vicinity of the public access boat ramp. The project is expected to be completed by January 31, 2017. The public access boat ramp and parking lot will remain open during the project.
The shoreline in this location has experienced significant erosion and destabilization over recent years contributing to the measurable loss of shoreline area, exposure of tree root systems and subsequent loss of several trees.
Laurie Smith, Manager of Lakes & Stormwater said, “If left unabated, additional erosion and loss of shoreline would continue. We will be installing a low profile sea wall constructed of Truline brand hybrid recycled materials specially designed to stabilize the shoreline and prevent additional erosion.”
Three sets of concrete steps will be set into the seawall for access to the lake. The City of Lakeland Lakes & Stormwater Division met with several user groups in researching shoreline stabilization solutions. Custom Built Marine of Port St. Lucie, FL was awarded the contract for the seawall installation project at a cost of $192,000.