Water-Related News

Lake Alfred City Commission approves capital improvements program

The City Commission in Lake Alfred has approved the proposed Five-Year Capital Improvements Program.

The CIP will be included in the preparation of the 2016-17 and 2017-18 fiscal year budgets.

The approval Monday allows the city to chart out and to prepare for its long-term and larger capital expenses.

Following the capital improvement program presentation by City Manager Ryan Leavengood, City Commissioner John Duncan requested to move two items up to fiscal year 2016-2017 instead of waiting until 2018-2019 for each to be completed.

A $45,000 purchase of extrication equipment for the Fire Department was moved up as well as a $80,000 purchase at the Echo Terrace lift station.

“This particular set of extrication equipment is one of the oldest operating units I have seen,” said Fire Chief Chris Costine. “These were purchased by the city years ago.”

The $80,000 will be used to make multiple purchases at the Echo Terrace Lift Station due to upgrades in equipment that right now is running at peak capacity.