Water-Related News

Third Annual 7 Rivers Water Festival May 7th

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On Saturday, May 7, Polk County Utilities is proud to celebrate its 3rd annual 7 Rivers Water Festival. This free event will take place at Simmers-Young Park from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include food, games, prizes, educational experiences and more.

The goal of the 7 Rivers Water Festival is to show the public how conservation organizations and recreational retailers work together on subjects that directly relate to the residents they serve. In addition to utility service and supply issues, the topics discussed will also include issues such as fish and wildlife habitat loss, water quality degradation/nutrient enrichment, enhancing personal responsibility and public involvement.

The hope is that once the public understands that the many existing water issues are all connected to each other, they will find their own purpose and method to help protect and conserve our environment. This will make watersports and other lakeside activities much more enjoyable, which will then inspire the public to further their impacts in protecting the environment.

In addition to these learning experiences, the festival will also have a number of other exciting opportunities to offer, including exhibits, demonstrations, live animals and even a karaoke competition. Don’t miss all the excitement the 7 Rivers Water Festival has to offer May 7, at Simmers-Young Park.

Those interested in the karaoke competition must RSVP at Jane@Arts2Doors.com or contact the Arts Ensemble Education foundation at 863-293-2700.