Lake Alfred mayor named to Polk County Regional Water Cooperative board
City commissioners on Monday appointed Mayor Charles Lake as the Lake Alfred member of the Polk Regional Water Cooperative Board of Directors.
The board is made up of a maximum of 18 voting members: one city commissioner from each of the county's 17 participating municipalities and one county commissioner. Not all the cities have yet signed on.
"It's really just a great day for all of our cities and a region as a whole," said City Manager Ryan Leavengood. "I think we were at a competitive disadvantage with the other cooperatives formed in Tampa and Orlando.
"We are definitely moving into the 21st century with the creation of this regional water cooperative in Polk County," he said. "When we look at growth in the I-4 corridor, having sufficient water will be of major importance to us moving forward. We came together at the table and made it work in Polk County.
The cooperative was formed as a result of an assessment conducted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Central Florida Water Initiative. Following the assessment, it was determined that the county's traditional water supply source, the Upper Floridian Aquifer, will not provide the amount of water needed in the future.
In other business, the commission tabled approval of an ordinance that would update policies for appointment of city board members and creates consistency for all boards and committees in regards to residency status.
Lake said the proposed amendment includes a change to the planning board. Currently there are seven primary members and two vacant alternate spots. The ordinance would eliminate those two vacant positions.