Water-Related News

Entries sought for CHNEP song contest

Have you written an original composition that captures the beauty or issues of the natural environment of southwest Florida (as defined by the CHNEP)? The CHNEP would like you to submit your songs for use on the CHNEP Citizens Academy and elsewhere. Prizes up to $600 will be awarded.

The rules are simple. Each person may submit up to three entries by Aug. 1, 2015. Complete an online entry form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/songcontest and submit the digitized audio performance and lyric or sheet music either electronically to maran@chnep.org or by mail to CHNEP Songs, 326 W. Marion Ave, Punta Gorda FL 33950.

There is no fee to enter. This contest is open to amateur and professional songwriters of any age. You retain ownership of the songs submitted. By entering this contest, you are allowing the CHNEP to use the songs in its materials and at events and allow others to perform your song for CHNEP purposes. You will be asked to perform at select events.

The songs must be original but can be of any genre and must be no more than three minutes long. An entry consists of an
1) Anonymous digitized audio performance
2) A lyric sheet or sheet music and
3) An entry form available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/songcontest

A music video may be submitted but is not required to participate. The song writer can have others perform the song. There is no requirement as to when the song was written or recorded.

The winning entries will be selected by the CHNEP Citizens Advisory Committee in August. Submissions will be judged on lyrics, likeability, creativity, originality, melody and arrangement. Production/recording quality and vocal ability may also considered.

The CHNEP will email all entrants to confirm their entry was received and to announce the entries selected for recognition.