Water-Related News

CHNEP Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting: August 12, 2015

The CHNEP CitizensAdvisory Committee agenda packet for the next meeting is now available. The meeting will be held Wednesday, August 12, 2015, at the Charlotte Community Foundation Education Center (227 Sullivan St, Punta Gorda).

Please arrive for the meeting by 9:30 to allow time for networking. The meeting will begin at 10:00. If you are unable to review the entire packet prior to the meeting, please read the summary pages. Immediately following the meeting, lunch will be provided (contributions will be requested). We'll review entries for the song contest during lunch then the meeting to further the development of the 2016 calendar will begin once everyone is settled. In the past the committee has met for up to 4 hours to discuss the calendar and review images so the meeting hasn't ended until 4 p.m. More details about the song contest and calendar will be provided at the meeting.

Among other things, the meeting agenda includes:

  • CHNEP Visioning Retreat
  • 2015 Research Needs Inventory
  • Water Quality Functional Assessment Method Project
  • CHNEP Oyster Restoration Priority Sites
  • CHNEP Program updates
  • Review of entries to CHNEP song contest
  • Review images submitted for the CHNEP 2016 calendar

The WQFAM for Filter Marshes Plant Identification Guide, produced as part of the Water Quality Functional Assessment Methods project (agenda item 4), is a useful, beautiful photographic guide to plants. Because of its size, the guide is provided as a separate PDF file. The project report is not yet available.