Water-Related News

Register now for CHNEP Behavior Change workshop

The Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP) invites you to a behavior change workshop on Monday, August 31, 2015 at the Sarasota County UF/IFAS Extension. We are delighted Salter>Mitchell will lead this workshop. CHNEP is a partnership working to protect the natural environment from Venice to Bonita Springs to Winter Haven. Salter>Mitchell is a marketing and communication agency focused on change — behavior change, culture change and changing public opinion.

Participants will be introduced to the concept and application of behavior change outreach in a way that will shift how they think about and conduct educational outreach efforts going forward, and will leave them feeling more confident about putting this practice into action.

The workshop will cover key steps to creating a successful behavior change effort — from determining one's target behavior and audiences, to conducting research, to developing a plan with creative components purposefully designed to influence behavior. Each participants will be given their own behavior change toolkit.