Water-Related News

Submit your artwork for the CHNEP 2016 calendar

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We live in a beautiful place and many of you have captured this beauty in your artwork, as evidenced by the calendars produced by the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP) since 2005. The CHNEP is a partnership program working to protect the natural environment of Florida from Venice to Estero Bay to Winter Haven.

We hope you will consider being a part of the CHNEP's 2016 calendar. We encourage you to share this information with others who may be interested in participating.

You can have your artwork published.
You can have your photographs and paintings published in the 2016 calendar. The CHNEP encourages you to submit up to three images that capture the beauty of the native, natural environment found within the CHNEP study area. The images could have been captured today or 50 years ago, as a painting or photograph. The goal is that the 2016 calendar will depict the beauty and diversity of the native, natural environment found within this geographic area, which may include estuaries, rivers, streams, native plants, native wildlife and people enjoying these resources.

To enter your images, complete the release form and submit your images by 5 p.m., July 15, 2015. There is no fee to enter. Additional guidance is provided at www.CHNEP.org/calendars.html and at the link below. Costs of the calendar are offset by generous donations and sponsorships.