DEP adopts restoration goals for four lakes in the Peace River Basin
TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has adopted water quality restoration goals to reduce nutrient pollution in four Polk County lakes within the Peace River Basin—Lake Bonny, Lake Hollingsworth, Lake Lena and Deer Lake. The restoration goals, known as total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), specify the pollutant reductions necessary to restore the waterbodies to health.The scientifically-derived restoration goals will act as the target and driving force for the development of a long-term restoration plan.
“We have developed these restoration goals using site-specific data and a careful study of the waterbodies,” said Tom Frick, director of the Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration. “Adopting these goals allows us to craft the best possible restoration plan.”
These waters have been identified as impaired by nutrient pollution, or an abundance of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous in the water. Nutrient pollution can cause rapid algal growth, which can in turn lead to other complications such as habitat smothering or a depletion of oxygen in the water. Nutrient pollution can come from a variety of sources including stormwater, wastewater and farming activity.
Lake Bonny and Lake Hollingsworth are located in the city of Lakeland, while Deer Lake is located in the western area of Winter Haven and Lake Lena is located in Auburndale. The lakes are host to several public parks and popular recreational destinations for activities like walking, boating and bird watching.