Water-Related News

FDEP announces online water permitting portal

TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, along with the state’s five water management districts, recently launched Florida’s Water Permitting Portal. This portal provides information about all water resource permitting in Florida in one place. The agencies have integrated existing online services with the portal, providing one place for residents and businesses to go to determine what permits may be needed and from which agency. The website will continue to add new features to enhance and simplify online access and make the work more transparent.

The water permitting portal enables users to apply for commonly issued authorizations, permits, certifications and renewals, pay fees and submit monitoring reports and other compliance documentation. It’s also a great place to get information about compliance and other water program information.

The portal allows visitors to electronically apply for permits and other authorizations including:

  • Environmental Resource Permits (and authorizations to use state-owned submerged lands, where applicable).
  • Consumptive and Water Use Permits.
  • Well Construction Permits.
  • Works of the District Permits.