Water-Related News

SWFWMD allows water shortage orders to expire

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The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (District) Governing Board voted today [7/30/2013] to let all water shortage orders expire on July 31.

Residents living within the District’s boundaries are asked to observe the District’s year-round conservation measures beginning August 1. However, some local governments may impose different schedules or retain stricter measures. Residents should check with their local governments before changing their irrigation schedule.

The Governing Board allowed the water shortage orders to expire in response to significant improvements in aquifer and river levels as a result of this summer’s above-average rainfall. The region’s major public water suppliers have also been able to capture and store large supplies of water to meet the needs of residents.

Year-round conservation measures include watering up to twice-per-week, and allow residents additional flexibility for determining when to water. Residents are encouraged to water only if their lawn and landscape needs it and turn off their irrigation system if it has rained or rain is predicted in the next 24-hours. Some of the signs that a lawn needs water include a blue-gray appearance, blades folded in half lengthwise and footprints remaining on the lawn for several minutes after walking on it.

For more information on the District’s year- round conservation measures, visit watermatters.org

Additional Contact Information

Southwest Florida Water Management District

(352) 796-7211