SFWMD offers free DBHYDRO training
The South Florida Water Management District cordially invites you to its newly
developed training course: DBHYDRO Environmental Database. Course participants will
learn how to access water level, gate opening, rainfall, water quality and hydrogeologic
data on the District's web-enabled environmental database, DBHYDRO. The database
stores hydrologic, meteorologic, hydrogeologic and water quality data, and is the source
of historical and up-to-date environmental data for the 16-county region covered by the
Users can search DB HYDRO, using one or more criteria, and to generate a summary of
the data from the available period of record. Users can then select data sets of interest
and have the time series data displayed on their screen in tables or graphs. Users can
also download data to their computers for later use. Other features of DB HYDRO include
discipline-oriented menus, map-based access to data, near real-time data access,
statistical reports, dynamic data graphing and an online user guide.
The course is a free, one-day event designed to further assist users with data retrieval
techniques. The lnstructor(s) has more than two decades of experience and training in
the use of DB HYDRO. The training is geared toward scientists, engineers, consultants,
educators, college and university faculty, students and interested citizens. Local
government, state and federal employees are also welcome.
Water managers utilize data within DBHYDRO to make important decisions in managing
the South Florida ecosystem. These data serve as the cornerstone with assisting the
District in fulfilling its mission to manage and protect water resources of the region by
balancing and improving water quality, flood control, natural systems and water supply.
All participants must register. You must be at least 18 years old to register. Seats
are limited and are available on a first-come basis. To register, use the link below or contact:
Sharon Peterkin at speterk@sfwmd.gov, (561) 686-8800, Ext. 4594, or toll-free
(Florida only) (800) 432-2045, Ext. 4594.
DBHYDRO Environmental Database Training
Thursday, April 4, 2013, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406