Water-Related News

FDEP Establishes Public Web Forum on Environmental Resource Permitting

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Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection news release

Currently, between DEP and Florida’s five water management districts, at least five different versions of the ERP rules are in place statewide. Reducing the number and complexity of the rules will make it easier for everyone to understand and apply what is expected of them during the ERP regulatory process, and will improve predictability and consistency in permitting decisions. A statewide rule will not raise or lower environmental standards.

DEP will work with the water management districts, local governments, citizens and businesses throughout the development of the statewide rule.

A new website (link below) will be the primary source of public information on the progress of this rulemaking and will be updated weekly; citizens are encouraged to check for updates. DEP and the water management districts will engage the public during rule development by:

• Hosting public workshops and comment pages for “real time” feedback from the public.
• Posting and updating draft rules online, for review and comment, allowing more people to interact with our experts and comment on our rules.
While comments may be provided directly to agency staff, providing comments through the Questions and Comments forum will ensure that the appropriate staff members are made aware of your comments, suggestions and concerns. All comments will be reviewed and DEP staff will respond to individual comments, when appropriate, for clarification.

To participate in the forum:
• Register as a member of the Environmental Resource Permit Rulemaking Forum.
• You can share your thoughts, questions and comments and see the comments made by others.
• Be aware, some computer networks prohibit the use of these sites. Work with your technology staff to gain permission to participate.

Other ways to stay informed:
• Sign up for email updates on the progress of the rulemaking activities. Find the sign up box in the lower right corner of the website and input your email address. You’ll get a confirmation screen that allows you to select Environmental Resource Permit Rulemaking as an option.
• Follow DEP on Twitter – @FLDEPNews