Water-Related News

Two Polk County lakes receive fish attractors for the holidays

Anglers who plan on fishing during the holiday season may have some extra luck at lakes Walk-in-Water and Tiger, off State Road 60 near Lake Wales.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management staff, along with volunteers, recently installed five new fish attractors in 7,000-acre Lake Walk-in-Water, also known as Lake Weohyakapka. The fish attractors are marked by large, white buoys. Three brush piles were placed along the western side of the lake, while two others were placed on the eastern side.

Tiger Lake, a 2,200-acre body of water northeast of Lake Walk-in-Water, received two fish attractors: one on the north side and the other on the south end of the lake.

Each site contains approximately 100 pieces of brush in a 50-foot diameter around the buoy. The submerged brush piles, which were sunk in 7-10 feet of water, are composed of either orange or oak trees and should last many years.