Water-Related News

Register Now for Oct. 13 Healthy Watersheds Initiative Webcast

Join this Webcast to learn what tools EPA is developing to help promote Healthy Watersheds and to hear about what several states are doing to protect their healthy watersheds. While most EPA water quality programs have focused on restoring impaired waters, this program encourages states, local governments, watershed organizations and others to protect and maintain healthy waterbodies as well. Healthy watersheds provide our communities with drinking water, recreational opportunities, environmental benefits and services, including clean water for healthy aquatic ecosystems, habitat for fish and wildlife, and better resilience against storms and floods, climate change and future land use changes.

Protecting healthy watersheds will result in considerable savings over time if the need for costly restoration can be avoided in watersheds that would otherwise become impaired by cumulative impacts of multiple stressors.

Date/time: Oct. 13, 1:00-3:00 p.m. EST

Additional Contact Information

Amber Marriott

