Water-Related News

SWFWMD Invites Public Input on Ranking Water Bodies

The Southwest Florida Water Management District is seeking public input about the order in which minimum flows and levels (MFLs) for lakes, rivers, streams and aquifers in the District will be determined.

A minimum flow or level is the limit at which further water withdrawals will cause significant harm to the water resources and/or environment. The District Governing Board sets these limits as part of achieving the delicate balance between meeting human water needs and those of Florida's natural systems.

The purpose of the meetings is to receive public input on a draft revised priority schedule for establishing minimum flows and levels. Legislation requires the District to review and, if necessary, revise the schedule each year.

The meetings will provide an important opportunity for local governments, citizens and others to be part of the scheduling of minimum flows and levels for rivers, streams and other flowing waters, lakes and aquifers....