Water-Related News

EPA Holds Additional Public Hearings on Proposed Water Quality Standards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding three additional public hearings in April to receive more input from Floridians on the agency's proposed Florida water quality standards. The agency held three public hearings in Florida in February on the proposed standards. The standards will protect people's health, aquatic life and the long-term recreational uses of Florida's waters, which are a critical part of the state's economy.
EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed standards through April 28, and is holding public hearings on the proposed rule in three additional Florida cities to obtain input and comments on the direction of EPA's rulemaking. The hearings will be in Ft. Myers (Apr. 13), Tampa (Apr. 14) and Jacksonville (Apr. 15). For additional information including times and locations, read the EPA news release, a link for which follows: