Report Pollution

Use this form to report discharges or dumping into waterbodies, curb inlets, stormwater ponds, and unauthorized shoreline clearings. Algae blooms can be reported to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Fish or bird kills can be reported to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

To learn more about reporting pollution, visit this page for a full description of legal and illegal discharge types.

Report / Incident Information

* Required Fields

Submitting this form will generate an email containing incident details that will be sent to the appropriate staff member at the County.

Specify the incident location using the text field above or the interactive map below.
Zoom to the location either 1) manually by moving the map, or 2) choose “zoom to my location” (in this case your browser will ask permission to share your location).
Click the map to add a marker on the location where the incident occurred.
Please be as specific as possible regarding the activities witnessed or resulting effects.
Incident Photo(s)
While not required, attaching one or more photos is highly recommended.
Optional Contact Information

The remainder of this form is optional. It may be necessary to contact you if additional information is needed or if you would like to know the status of your report. However, any information you provide will be public record and available to anyone who requests it.

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