Polk County Water Atlas

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Metadata Summary for
Polk County Parks & Natural Resources Division

Sampling Station Information
Station IdentifierHOLLINGSWORTH
Datasource Information
Dataset TypeMonitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data SourcePolk County Parks & Natural Resources Division
Number of Water Resources Sampled202
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset)POLKCO_NRD_WQ
Description of DatasourceThe Natural Resources Division was established to develop and implement natural resource management programs that protect, enhance, and manage Polk County's environment. The division's programs include Invasive Plant Management, Environmental Lands, Mosquito Control, Water Resources, and Drainage. The Invasive Plant Management Section prevents the spread of exotic aquatic and upland plants on public lakes, waterways, primary drainage canals, and environmental lands. Chemical spraying of ditches, lakes, and other sites is carefully scheduled. The Mosquito Control Section strives to prevent mosquito-borne diseases by reducing mosquito populations through breeding-site inspections and spraying by trucks and aircraft.
Method of Transferring Data to the AtlasManual Transfer via Email
How Often Data is Transferred to the AtlasQuarterly
Date of Most Recent Data Transfer11/19/2024 3:06:33 PM
Period of Record Within the Atlas7/24/1984 - 7/26/2021
Disclaimer/Use ConstraintsNot Available
Custodian Information
Agency Name Polk County Natural Resources Division
Contact NameDiane Gibson
Contact Phone(863) 534-7377 x245
Contact E-mailDianeGibson@polk-county.net
Contact URL https://www.polk-county.net/
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